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20 exemplos de arte de rua que farão você parar e pegar uma câmera

Os artistas de rua desejam deixar sua marca nas superfícies ao seu redor. O objetivo da arte de rua é geralmente fazer uma declaração e entregar uma mensagem. Com o passar dos anos, a estética da arte de rua melhorou muito e os artistas de rua nunca deixam de nos surpreender. Veja 20 fotos de magníficas obras de arte que mereciam ser fotografadas.









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« A story of resilience », more than 10.000m2, biodegradable paint on grass, Decazeville (FR), 2019. We were invited by @murmursfestival to realize a fresco in Decazeville (FR). The idea of the festival is to dynamize the region through art. This spot was the biggest coal mine in Europe and later became a beautiful place with nature and animals. It was a great chance for us and so touching to work on this place with a such history. I decided to paint again a child who is drawing his imagination, full of hope and optimism… For me representing childhood is also representing ourselves. What are our values? What do we want to let to our children? Which world will we leave behind us? I’m so thankful to all the team who invited us, Nicolas, Xavier and for their engagement for a better world. Big up to @jodibona to launch this amazing story. #saype #landart #murmurfestival #biodegradable #decazeville #street #streetart #urbanart #paintongrass #project #contemporaryart #graco #gracopaintsprayers #gracocontractorclub

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Karu 2019 Aprox. 15 x 18M Tinta plástica s/parede . Foto @arroz_pedrolino . This mural was made for @artepublicaleiria with the colaboration of @jhnrqs (João Henriques) and @karuzzzzz (Karuline). Thank you for the amazing help and the good times spent there! Also thank you @notguedes and @helia_carreira for the help! Finaly thank you @projectomatilha And @carla.cs.tavares for the invitation!. . . The idea emerged after a painting I did last year in which the person I portrayed had highly androgynous features and was particularly hard to figure out its gender purely on society’s standard feminine/masculine traits. . I wanted to further explore the concept about people whose physical traits are not reliable for a society that forces labels on everyone, challenging everyone’s perspectives and creating discussion about the inner self, the various ways of manifesting personality and express the everyone’s own sense of Self. . . #art #artwork #fineart #painting #portrait #street #streetart #urbanart #muralart #mural #gameboy #color #muralpainting #woman #portiture #figurativeart #portraitart #portraitpainting #urbanartchannel #streetartunitedstates

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Cervezzia Roma monterrey 150 colonia Roma próximamente

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Keep on dreaming… #padova #kennyrandom #2019

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Via Bright Side

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